Proactive Service

  • Renewals are reviewed by agents and we are proactive when we feel coverage should be replaced with another company.

  • Every piece of physical and electronic mail received at the agency is reviewed daily and matched to the customer file by the company principal and allocated to the appropriate associate for review


  • Call us old fashioned that’s okay, but we feel that insurance company ratings still matter. We focus on AM Best ratings, which is the industry standard. It is perplexing to us how comfortable some of our competitors are in recommending companies with no AM Best rating for their customers’ homes, quite often the biggest investments they will ever make.

  • We specialize in properties with coastal proximity exposure. All of our agents are proficient in all aspects of flood insurance

  • When providing a quote, we encourage our clients to do their own research on the companies that we quote with and some of the companies we may be quoting against from other agencies. At the same time, we have no problem saying, “Even if we could do a little better on price, stay with your current carrier, they are very good.”


  • While not the most green, redundant paper file system the agency utilizes in the event of emergency widespread power outages, ala Super Storm Sandy, allows us the ability to pull files, tuck under our arm, get our feet on the ground and service our clients immediately.

  • We will always work as a liaison between the insured and the company whenever possible to assist in the process of reporting a claim and loss settlement.